The Poetry of Ben Pease - NO ARTIST LEFT BEHIND - September 2015 - Forgotten Artist Productions
Mike Hoskins Photography - NO ARTIST LEFT BEHIND - Promo - For August 2015
A few more misc. photos from WHERE ART LIVES
Scenes/Videos from the theatre production of WHERE ART LIVES. Forgotten Artist Productions. March 2015. NYC.
Opening and Scene 1
Scene 3
Scene 5
Scene 8
Scene 9
Scene 10
Curtain Call and Credits
Production Photos for WHERE ART LIVES!
Tickets available at:
Rehearsal photos from WHERE ART LIVES. Play opens in one week on Thursday, March 19 for six performances at UNDER St. Marks Theater in NYC. Tickets on sale now at
Check it out, and then buy tickets to the show at:
Production starts Thursday, March 19, 2015 for 6 performances at UNDER St Marks Theater in NYC!
Michael Thomas Cain talking about WHERE ART LIVES.
Buy tickets to the play at
Show opens on Thursday, March 19 at UNDER St. Marks Theater in NYC!
Rehearsal Photos from WHERE ART LIVES!
First rehearsal and read through of WHERE ART LIVES is in the bag. Such a talented cast of actors! Forgotten Artist Productions has a lot to be excited about!
Rehearsals for Forgotten Artist Productions' production of WHERE ART LIVES start tomorrow, and tickets go on sale soon! We're very excited!
Performance Dates:
Thursday, March 19 at 8 PM
Friday, March 20 at 8 PM
Saturday, March 21 at 2 PM
Saturday, March 21 at 8 PM
Sunday, March 22 at 2 PM
Sunday, March 22 at 8 PM
Performance Space:
UNDER St. Marks Theater
94 Saint Marks Place
NYC 10009
Can a family survive a lifetime of lies or will it crumble like the broken down blue collar factory town around them? WHERE ART LIVES takes its audience on a twisted ride with a family who is trying to keep its head above water while everything they know and the life they have built can be taken from them at any moment. The play explores how the economic downfall of middle America effects everyone around it. Follow Art and his family’s struggles in WHERE ART LIVES.
UNDER St. Marks Theater
94 Saint Marks Place
NYC 10009
Can a family survive a lifetime of lies or will it crumble like the broken down blue collar factory town around them? WHERE ART LIVES takes its audience on a twisted ride with a family who is trying to keep its head above water while everything they know and the life they have built can be taken from them at any moment. The play explores how the economic downfall of middle America effects everyone around it. Follow Art and his family’s struggles in WHERE ART LIVES.
Support the WHERE ART LIVES - Forgotten Artist Productions Indiegogo Campaign!
As you may or may not know, my production company, Forgotten Artist Productions, is having its first theatre production in March. The play is WHERE ART LIVES. Casting is complete, and a lot of pieces are falling into place, but we need to raise some money in order to make this a top notch production and cross the finish line. A successful production will help establish a solid base as we move into the future, and we do have future projects in mind already.
I hate asking anybody for anything, but if I'm going to do this, I know that this is part of the business. I hope that you find it in your hearts to support us. It doesn't matter where you live. You can help us if you feel the need to. I'm reaching out to a...ll family, friends, colleagues, etc. We want you to be a part of this production company now and in the future. Your tax deductible donation to this production will establish you as a member of our community, and it will not be forgotten. Also, if you're an artist, I hope to work with you in the future, and establishing a solid first production will guarantee us a chance to do that.
You'll be helping a dream come true and something that has been in the making for years.
Any amount will help. Also, I would be grateful if you could pass this on to or share this with people who you think can help or would be willing to help.
You'll find more information about the WHERE ART LIVES - Forgotten Artist Productions Indiegogo campaign and how you can make your tax deductible donation at: projects/ where-art-lives-forgotten-a rtist-productions
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
I hate asking anybody for anything, but if I'm going to do this, I know that this is part of the business. I hope that you find it in your hearts to support us. It doesn't matter where you live. You can help us if you feel the need to. I'm reaching out to a...ll family, friends, colleagues, etc. We want you to be a part of this production company now and in the future. Your tax deductible donation to this production will establish you as a member of our community, and it will not be forgotten. Also, if you're an artist, I hope to work with you in the future, and establishing a solid first production will guarantee us a chance to do that.
You'll be helping a dream come true and something that has been in the making for years.
Any amount will help. Also, I would be grateful if you could pass this on to or share this with people who you think can help or would be willing to help.
You'll find more information about the WHERE ART LIVES - Forgotten Artist Productions Indiegogo campaign and how you can make your tax deductible donation at:
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Forgotten Artist Productions is having a comedy fundraiser in NYC on Sunday, February 15 at 9 PM. If you're in the area, think about coming.
More information and tickets at
Forgotten Artist Productions is presenting a Comedy Fundraiser hosted by Craig Fox and featuring some of the most talented comedians working in NYC.
Craig Fox is an amazing comedian/performer/actor who performs in comedy clubs all over NYC. He is a regular at Stand Up NY and has also performed at Caroline's and the New York Comedy Club. You can catch his very energetic act most nights at various clubs around NYC.
This night promises to have an incredible line up and be jam packed with many laughs and great entertainment.
It shouldn't be missed, and you'll be helping a great production company raise money for current and future projects that contribute to humanity.
Videos From The Forgotten Artist Productions' Launch Party In December.
Photos from the Saturday, December 06, 2014 Launch Party/Fundraiser for Forgotten Artist Productions (More photos at )!

Desserts by Nina DiPalma and Kristy DiPalma
Reading from WHERE ART LIVES
Greig Roselli/Stage Directions. Ron Schnittker/Art. Sandra Lucas/Ruth. Mark Parsia/Barry. Craig Fox/Nick. Lauren Brickman/Karen. Stephen Medwid/Max.
Jess Erick performs.
WhoDoesn’t Like A Party?!
Forgotten Artist Productions is having a wine and dessert Launch Party/Fundraiser full of entertainment and fun on Saturday, December 06, 2014, and you are invited to attend!
With your generous donation, you will have the opportunity to enjoy:
-All the wine and dessert that you can fit into your body.
-A staged reading of a scene or two from Where Art Lives to wet your appetite for the March 2015 theatre production.
-A great performance by a fantastic singer, songwriter, and musician, Jess Erick, who truly represents what it means to be an artist.
-A fun time.
-An opportunity to support artists, artistic expression, and dedicated people who want to contribute to humanity.
Saturday, December 06, 2014
8:00 PM – 10:30 PM
ABC (Alphabet City) Sanctuary in the East Village
638 East 6th Street (Between Avenues B and C)
(3rd Floor of the Sixth Street Community Center)
New York, New York 10009
Closest Trains:
F to 2nd Avenue
L to 1st Avenue
6 to Astor Place
Ways to donate and be a member of the party:
1. On our website at anytime between now and Friday, December 05, 2014. Here, you have the opportunity to make your donation using a credit card, secure your place at the party early (the space holds a limited number of people), and take advantage of a lower donation amount when you bring a guest (this only applies to reservations made on the website by Friday, December 05, 2014).
2. Correct cash or check at the door the night of the event.
Donation amounts:
$ 50.00 per person (using a credit card on the website by Friday, December 05, 2014, and using correct cash or a check in person on the evening of the event).
$ 80.00 for two people (using a credit card on the website by Friday, December 05, 2014. This will not be available in person on the evening of the event, so act early).
(Money raised will assist us in covering the costs of a March 2015 theatre production. We have already rented performance space, so your gracious donation and participation in this party will help us to cover the rental of the theatre, rehearsal space, stipends for the actors and production crew, and advertising, just to name a few.)
*Adults only please.
*The event takes place on the third floor of the building, and the only access to the space is up the stairs.
Forgotten Artist Productions is a new production company located in New York. We have many ambitious goals for the future, so we would like to introduce you to the company and humbly ask for your support during this event.
Arrangements have been made for a March 2015 theatre production of Where Art Lives at Under St. Marks Place, we have begun planning for film and video projects to begin in 2015, and we are considering future theatre productions for the 2015-2016 season. Your support right now would be greatly appreciated to help us establish a strong foundation. However, we do understand that we probably need to take one step at a time, so, again, the support that you presently provide will mostly help us to cover the costs of the March 2015 theatre production.
Over the last several months I, and a lot of really great, dedicated, and talented people, have been working hard to establish this company and its first artistic project, and we hope that you find it in your heart to support us as we move forward. We are not just asking for your money; we are encouraging you to get in on the ground floor as we begin this journey. Your participation in this event will support dedicated artists who care about their work and providing thought-provoking artistic expression to humanity.
I sincerely thank you for your time, and I hope that Forgotten Artist Productions can count on your support.
Best, Michael Thomas Cain
To learn more about or connect with Forgotten Artist Productions:
Like Forgotten Artist Productions on Facebook
Follow Forgotten Artist Productions on Twitter at Forgotten Artist PC @forgartistprod
Subscribe to Forgotten Artist Productions on YouTube
Send us an email at
The mission of ...forgotten artist productions... is to embrace and foster new and established creative work with artistic integrity as a priority, to support and nurture artists and their artistic desires and endeavors, to produce and establish artistic work that is thought-provoking and speaks to and connects with humanity, and to honor history and tradition while keeping a close eye on current and future trends.
By applying hard work and dedication, the desire and goal of ...forgotten artist productions... is to present creative and artistic work by the people and for the people; ...forgotten artist productions... hopes to educate, enlighten, and create meaningful artistic expression for those who contribute to the mission of this company either as a participate or a member of the audience.
...forgotten artist productions... wishes to connect artists and people in a way that transcends the earthly experience while recognizing and championing truth, justice, and those things that serve a social purpose and optimistically advance society.
...forgotten artist productions... is a production company based in New York that develops and produces creative and artistic projects for theatre, visual art, photography, film/video, etc.
...forgotten artist productions... has been a long time in the making, but it was officially established on Saturday, June 21, 2014.
...forgotten artist productions... hopes for continuous growth and evolution, and as a result, this mission and these objectives may be added to and adjusted as needed.
By applying hard work and dedication, the desire and goal of ...forgotten artist productions... is to present creative and artistic work by the people and for the people; ...forgotten artist productions... hopes to educate, enlighten, and create meaningful artistic expression for those who contribute to the mission of this company either as a participate or a member of the audience.
...forgotten artist productions... wishes to connect artists and people in a way that transcends the earthly experience while recognizing and championing truth, justice, and those things that serve a social purpose and optimistically advance society.
...forgotten artist productions... is a production company based in New York that develops and produces creative and artistic projects for theatre, visual art, photography, film/video, etc.
...forgotten artist productions... has been a long time in the making, but it was officially established on Saturday, June 21, 2014.
...forgotten artist productions... hopes for continuous growth and evolution, and as a result, this mission and these objectives may be added to and adjusted as needed.
Link to a video explaining the reasons and motivation for starting Forgotten Artist Productions.
Video introducing the spirit of Forgotten Artist Productions.
Michael Thomas Cain has founded ...forgotten artist productions...! Performance space has been rented, and the first theatre production is scheduled for March 2015!
The mission of ...forgotten artist productions...:
The mission of ...forgotten artist productions... is to embrace and foster new and established creative work with artistic integrity as a priority, to support and nurture artists and their artistic desires and endeavors, to produce and establish artistic work that is thought-provoking and speaks to and connects with humanity, and to honor history and tradition while keeping a close eye on current and future trends.
By applying hard work and dedication, the desire and goal of ...forgotten artist productions... is to present creative and artistic work by the people and for the people; ...forgotten artist productions... hopes to educate, enlighten, and create meaningful artistic expression for those who contribute to the mission of this company either as a participate or a member of the audience.
...forgotten artist productions... wishes to connect artists and people in a way that transcends the earthly experience while recognizing and championing truth, justice, and those things that serve a social purpose and optimistically advance society.
...forgotten artist productions... is a production company based in New York that develops and produces creative and artistic projects for theatre, visual art, photography, film/video, etc.
...forgotten artist productions... has been a long time in the making, but it was officially established on Saturday, June 21, 2014.
...forgotten artist productions... hopes for continuous growth and evolution, and as a result, this mission and these objectives may be added to and adjusted as needed.
By applying hard work and dedication, the desire and goal of ...forgotten artist productions... is to present creative and artistic work by the people and for the people; ...forgotten artist productions... hopes to educate, enlighten, and create meaningful artistic expression for those who contribute to the mission of this company either as a participate or a member of the audience.
...forgotten artist productions... wishes to connect artists and people in a way that transcends the earthly experience while recognizing and championing truth, justice, and those things that serve a social purpose and optimistically advance society.
...forgotten artist productions... is a production company based in New York that develops and produces creative and artistic projects for theatre, visual art, photography, film/video, etc.
...forgotten artist productions... has been a long time in the making, but it was officially established on Saturday, June 21, 2014.
...forgotten artist productions... hopes for continuous growth and evolution, and as a result, this mission and these objectives may be added to and adjusted as needed.
Learn more about ...forgotten artist productions...:
Send ...forgotten artist productions... an email at
Production photos from "Restructuring"
Written and Directed by Michael Thomas Cain
Femi Alao as Employer
Howard Weintraub as Employee
A play written and directed by Michael Thomas Cain.
Howard Weintraub as EMPLOYEE
A play written and directed by Michael Thomas Cain.
Howard Weintraub as EMPLOYEE
Femi Alao as EMPLOYER
The production will be a part of the WCT's 2013 Winterfest.
Make your reservation at
Friday, December 06, 2013 at 7:30 PM
Saturday, December 07, 2013 at 2:00 PM
Talk back after the December 07 performance with writers and directors.
Ossining Public Library Budarz Theater
53 Croton Avenue
Ossining, New York 10562
Admission is FREE
Talk back after the December 07 performance with writers and directors.
Ossining Public Library Budarz Theater
53 Croton Avenue
Ossining, New York 10562
Admission is FREE
Actors of "Restructuring" on a break.
Howard Weintraub as EMPLOYEE
Femi Alao as EMPLOYER
Synopsis of "Restructuring"
A middle-aged employee who works with machines leaves his job on Friday, but he returns on Monday morning to find that the company has a young, new owner and the warehouse is completely empty except for one piece of modern, advanced technology. The employer expects the employee to continue working there with this symbol of progress, but the employee has no knowledge, skill, and interest when it comes to current technology. Modern technology divides these representations of the past and future that have a difficult time communicating with and understanding each other. Mixing comedy and drama, “Restructuring” is a slightly absurd play that asks is technology moving too fast, are some people and hundreds of years of progress being left behind and forgotten, and is technology conditioning how we work and function as a society? What will be the end result when the employer pushes the employee to perform work that he was not hired to do?
"Restructuring" Written and Directed by Michael Thomas Cain
Encounter At The Border from The Living Art Event (Play Directed by Michael Thomas Cain).
Video Commercial for The Living Art Event
(all Plays and Event Directed by Michael Thomas Cain).
In the Wings
All things theatrical
Picture this: Art inspires drama
Living Art Event
Saturday, October 19
Steamer Co. Firehouse
117 Main St.
117 Main St.
Ossining, NY
Docent-led tours take ticketholders through a gallery of artwork created by members of
the Ossining Arts Council while Westchester Collaborative Theater actors bring several of these artworks to life.
the Ossining Arts Council while Westchester Collaborative Theater actors bring several of these artworks to life.
Gallery tours will stop in front of specified artworks as WCT actors perform plays inspired by the particular pieces. The exhibit space will display numerous artworks for viewing. Plays will be performed for six of them. WCT member Michael Thomas Cain is directing/is a dramaturg for all plays in this event.
There will be 4 hour-long tours at:
12pm, 1:30pm, 3pm, and 4:30pm
There will also be a reception with the
artists, playwrights, & actors at 5:30pm
There will be 4 hour-long tours at:
12pm, 1:30pm, 3pm, and 4:30pm
There will also be a reception with the
artists, playwrights, & actors at 5:30pm
“One Man’s
Moose…” by Carol Mark
“High Line” by Marshall Fine
“Eat Before You’re Hungry” by Ginny Reynolds
“Encounter At The Border” by Marlin Thomas
“Palmas” by Ward James Riley
“The Black Box" by C.J. Ehrlich
From Westchester to NYC. New York Regional Theater’s Burgeoning Westchester Collaborative Theater
Regional Theater is the engine that drives original theatrical productions and puts them on the map, moving them toward greatness. If new plays are nurtured and developed with love, effort and artistry, eventually they may be shepherded to Broadway. This is especially true if the theatrical group has an esprit de corps and inspired guide to watch over the flock of artists and their offerings. The beauty of such non profit theater is that there are no chains shackling its creativity. Without the pressures of time and money weighing heavily upon it, the best regional theaters make the most of their incredible opportunity to experiment, innovate and collaborate with a fluid mix of playwrights, actors and directors.
This has been the case with Westchester Collaborative Theater, established in 2011 in Ossining, New York. Within the span of barely two short years, this regional theater group’s productivity has burgeoned like Jack’s magical beanstalk. WCT has produced Winterfest 2011 and Winterfest 2012. These events included a number of Ten Minute Plays, original offerings by WCT member playwrights…world premiers, acted and directed by professionals and aspirants. With a variety of individuals at the ready, a spirit of generous camaraderie infuses openness and flexibility not regularly accessible in the closed atmosphere of stuffy professional theater which is hesitant to take risks.
A blessing for WCT is its proximity to New York City, the theater hub of the world. Guest artists who live in the area, like comedian Robert Klein (last year) and in November of this year, well known actor and filmmaker Campbell Scott, are able to share their talent and expertise and serve as an inspiration to veteran performers and engaged newbees. The atmosphere at WCT is creative and non threatening, the overriding risk of lousy box office receipts absent. WCT thrives on donations, grants and the good will of patrons and the surrounding community. It is a labor of love won by the efforts of dedicated individuals like Executive Director, Alan Lutwin, who adore live theater and the living moments of performance art.
This year’s Winterfest follows on the heels of a productive year for the Westchester Collaborative Theater which included the scheduled Summerfest of One-Act play readings, monthly LAB with developmental readings and talk backs about select playwrights’ works in progress and a full length play reading. As a result of WCT’s labs, playwright/director Michael Thomas Cain was able to develop his play and present Enough’s Enough at La MaMa E.T.C. in NYC as part of the 2012 NY International Fringe Festival.
The works-in progress initiative for playwrights, directors and actors has been exciting. Each week guest artists with years of experience in the entertainment industry engaged in readings and talk backs. In November award winning actor and director, Campbell Scott (Victor Geddes with Julia Roberts in Dying Young and the protagonist of David Mamet’s The Spanish Prisoner, Co-director of the award winning film, The Big Night with Stanley Tucci) performed a reading of The Wife and the Widow Next Store by Richard Manichello. The playwright, screenwriter, actor, poet (penned the award winning Choices of the Heart for television) who wrote Agnes of God, John Pielmeier (he also wrote the screenplay for the film Agnes of God) was another guest artist in November who shared his experiences and contributions to the theater and television community.
This season’s 2012 Winterfest of Ten Minute Plays included new members, professionals and those whose love of theater, writing, directing and acting have kept them involved in regional theater in the New York City area. Many of the artists’ works have appeared in Drama festivals in New York City and around the nation. Of these, some have been semi-finalists or finalists at the festivals, nominees of major prizes and award winners of other venues.
One such notable is Richard Manichello, 30 years in the entertainment business (actor, producer, Artistic Director of Peekskill Playhouse) and an Emmy Award-winning director and writer of stage, film and television. Manichello directed two plays for the WCT Winterfest. The first was Hooters, written by playwright Gabrielle Fox. Fox’ plays have been produced throughout New York City and the metro region. Manichello also directed Lava Sus Manos by playwright Jess Erick.
Another professional, Rosary O’Neill, whose work was presented at the Winterfest, like Manichello, has weighty career experience and many awards and fellowships under her belt. O’Neill who is from New Orleans is a published/produced playwright (22 published plays) novelist, actor, director and retired Professor of Drama and Speech at Loyola University of New Orleans. The fourth edition of her textbook, The Actor’s Checklist, is used in schools nationwide. O’Neill founded the Southern Repertory Theatre in New Orleans and for many years was its Artistic Director, producing a number of the plays she had written. The comedic 10 minute play “Turtle Soup,” directed by Elaine Hartel (actor and director for WCT and other New York regional theater groups) was excerpted from O’Neil’s semi-autobiographical play about a wealthy family in New Orleans, White Suits in Summer.
For more information about the Westchester Collaborative Theater’s 2012 Winterfest of Ten Minute Plays, the actors, directors and playwrights, or for information about membership in this active regional theater company, check their Facebook page, Westchester Collaborative Theater.
Not pictured, Take One for the Team by Carol Mark. Directed by Joe Albert Lima. With John Barbera as Will, Margie Ferris as Terri and Taku Hirai as Kevin.
"Making Up For The Past," written and directed by Michael Thomas Cain, will be performed as part of the 2012 Winterfest of Ten Minute Plays. Michael is also directing "Snow Birds."
November/December 2012:
The Westchester Collaborative Theater is presenting 2012 Winterfest of Ten Minute Plays as its final production of the season. The plays in the Winterfest are:
Bobbo’s Bullet By Wayne Mattingly
Hooters By Gabrielle Fox
Lava Sus Manos by Jess Erick
Making Up for the Past By Michael Thomas Cain
Snow Birds By Csaba Teglas
Take One for the Team By Carol Mark
The Hunters By Joe McDonald
Turtle Soup By Rosary O’Neill
WCT members Michael Thomas Cain, Elaine Hartel, Joseph Albert Lima, Richard Manichello and Matthew Silver are directing the plays. Members Femi Alao, Jon Barb, John Barbera, Sara Beth Colten, Jess Erick, Lorraine Federico, Margie Ferris, Adam Glatzl, Taku Hirai, Janice Kirkel, Pe’er Klein, Shelley Lerea, Ryan Mallon, Tracey McAllister, Suzanne Ochs, Mary Roberts, Ron Schnittker, Leslie Smithey and Howard Weintraub are featured in the cast.
The plays will be performed at the Budarz Theater, on the plaza level of the Ossining Public Library, 53 Croton Ave. in Ossining, N.Y. Performances are Friday, December 7th @ 7:30 pm and Saturday, December 8th at 2 pm. A talk back with the playwrights and directors is scheduled following the December 8th performance.
Admission is free, but audience members are encouraged to reserve seats in advance by emailing: with the date and requested number of reservations. There will be open seating for both performances but those making reservations will receive priority seating.
The Westchester Collaborative Theater is a multi‐cultural, cooperative theater company located in Ossining, N.Y, which is solely dedicated to the development of new plays by its member playwrights, actors and directors.
This project was made possible by the Arts Alive program of ArtsWestchester, with funding from the Decentralization Program of the New York State Council on the Arts.
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